About Us

P&SHD South Punjab Multan


Health Department South Punjab Multan Secretariat was operationalized on 15 October 2020 after the Amendment in the Rule of business of the Government of Punjab with the name Health and Population Welfare Department to improve Health service delivery in South Punjab. It was bifurcated into the Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department and Specialized Healthcare & Medical Education Department after another amendment in the Rule of Business (ROB) 2011 on 14 September 2021.


Geographically, South Punjab is located at the center of Pakistan and it plays a very vital role in the progress of the national economy by yielding various products in almost every sector. South Punjab consists of 11 districts situated in three divisions of Punjab i.e. Multan, Bahawalpur and Dera Ghazi Khan. The total area is 102,301 km2 (39,499 sq mi). The total population was 23.507 million (Census 2017) and the current population is around 36.698 million (LHW/MIS 2022) with an annual average growth rate of 2.37%.

But unfortunately, the South Punjab has poor health indicators and lags behind the rest of the province in maternal and child health, nutritional status, and prevalence and incidence of communicable diseases. The main objectives of establishing the South Punjab Health Secretariat are to address directly the health related issues of the residents of South Punjab as the health issues of the residents of South Punjab are different on the basis of terrain, culture, level of poverty, and low literacy and these can’t be addressed directly from the provincial level. More administrative units will improve the health outcomes of the South Punjab population. A separate dedicated regional team in the Health Department for South Punjab will result in effective service delivery in the public sector. And, the Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department will remove the issue of duplication of services and will help in using human and financial resources more precisely, prudently and effectively.


Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department, South Punjab Multan is committed to deliver quality services related to healthcare to the community through Hospitals & Institutes, DHQs, THQs, BHUs, RHCs and Dispensaries of South Punjab.
Data of hospital


Ensuring sound access to primary and secondary health facilities for the target population with a medical care system that is effective, efficient and responsive to the needs of all socio-economic groups, in particular, those of low- income communities and women of reproductive age; facilitating collaboration with the private sector and enlisting the aid of the civil society for the furtherance of these goals.


The mission of the Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department is to work in partnership with the community to ensure the optimal health and well-being of all people through a dynamic and responsive process respecting the diversity of the community and challenging us to provide for present and future generations.


Nadia Saqib

Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department has been created with the vision for better service delivery in Primary & Secondary Health Sector. The department believes in all inclusive policy where each team member is an integral part of decision making process and trying to work to best of their potential.

Nadia Saqib

Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department has been created with the vision for better service delivery in Primary & Secondary Health Sector. The department believes in all inclusive policy where each team member is an integral part of decision making process and trying to work to best of their potential.

Nadia Saqib

Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department has been created with the vision for better service delivery in Primary & Secondary Health Sector. The department believes in all inclusive policy where each team member is an integral part of decision making process and trying to work to best of their potential.

Special Secretary

Mr. Muhammad Shahbaz Hussain

Mr. Muhammad Shahbaz Hussain

Mr. Shahid Abbas Joiya

Additional Secretary (Admin)

He has worked on multiple assignments from Section Officer to Assistant Commissioner. He worked as Deputy Commissioner Jhang before joining this Department. He has held a variety of positions, including section officer and Deputy Commissioner. Before joining this department, he was Deputy Commissioner of Jhang.

Sajjad Hasnain

Deputy Secretary (Admin)

He has worked on multiple assignments from Section Officer to Assistant Commissioner. He worked as Deputy Commissioner Jhang before joining this Department.

Sheikh Muhammad Tahir

Deputy Secretary (General)

Joined civil service through Provincial Management Services in 2007. Served in almost all three divisions of SOUTH Punjab against all slots under District Administration. Having diversified field experience at the operational level. Dedicated towards service delivery. His addition in Primary & Secondary Healthcare Department will help to contribute towards service delivery.

Sabir Hussain

Deputy Secretory (Development & Finance)

He worked as assistant commisioner in various sub division of punjab, also served as deputy Director food Gujranwala Division, Deputy Secretary Board of Revenue Punjab, 2nd in SNGPL. Before joining P&SHD SP he was working as Additional Deputy Commisioner DG Khan. Having diversified experience at the operational level dedicated towards service delivery. Currently, he is working as Deputy Secretary (Development).

